David Ortega O.
David Ortega O.
David Ortega O.
David specializes in the practice of corporate litigation, representing our clients in administrative litigation, amparos (habeas corpus), class actions, civil and commercial litigation, which he has also advised, from a litigation standpoint, in various contracting processes with the purpose of mitigating the risks inherent in each transaction and the way it is documented. In 2003 he graduated from the Escuela Libre de Derecho, obtaining his Law Degree with honors with the presentation and defense of his thesis “The Unconstitutionality of the Merger Notification Procedure provided by the Federal Antitrust Law”; prior to joining Anker Abogados, he collaborated with the firms Fernández del Castillo y Asociados, S.C., Valdés Abascal y Brito Anderson, S.C., as an associate attorney and at OZ Abogados, S.C., as a founding partner.
Recent Experience in Relevant Matters
- Advising companies involved in the mining, automotive, shipping, airport, telecommunications, food and beverage, consumer goods and construction industries, among others, in administrative proceedings before various authorities, representing them in administrative litigation and amparo proceedings.
- Representing Banking Institutions, and Financial Companies, as well as companies engaged in real estate development and construction, online sales, food and beverages, in civil and commercial litigation;
- Advising agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration in procurement procedures for goods and services, as well as in the design, implementation and review of programs and projects.
Extracurricular Activities
- Invited as guest lecturer in Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Selected Topics of Oral Justice at the Escuela Libre de Derecho.
- Speaker at the Oral Workshops of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City.
- Law Degree (2023), Escuela Libre de Derecho, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Diploma in Business & Administration (2004), York University, Toronto, Canada.