Rafael Sosa Y.
Rafael Sosa Y.
Rafael Sosa Y.
Rafael specializes in corporate criminal law, criminal litigation, Amparo, and representing and defending individuals and national and international companies. He is head of the risk analysis, corporate responsibility, crime prevention, and compliance practice areas at Anker Abogados.
Recent Experience in Relevant Matters
- Represents one of the leading national infrastructure companies, several investment funds, and the world’s largest cargo ship companies.
- Has represented national and foreign companies in different sectors: media, telecommunications, fintech, pharmaceuticals, maritime, land transportation and logistics.
- In criminal maritime law, he represents various shipowners and P&I Clubs, shipyards, and shipping agencies.
- Law Degree (2004), Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Master’s Degree in Oral Trials.
- Program for CEOs, IPADE, Mexico City, Mexico.